PA3CLQ's Leuke Linken Nr. 400/4


From my PLL Nr 053 28-05-09 and later

About the frase "Over and Out"

I spent 27 years in the navy and it seems to me (my memory fades) that in radio school

we were trained to NEVER use "over and out" (would be prosigns K and/or AR).

Any professional sparks out there that can confirm or deny?

Hollywood scripts to the contrary, all you need to say is over OR out - no need for both. Am I delusional here?
Dave W1DV

Rem : I was State Training Officer for several years and later State Director for
3 years for North Texas Army MARS back in the 80's. "Say Again All
After..." still rings in my head. If someone ever said "Over and Out"
during a MARS net, (it NEVER happened) he would have been SEVERELY
chastised (after everyone stopped laughing). I still visibly cringe every
time I hear "Over and Out" on an old Science Fiction or FBI type movie.
I think it started in old "Dick Tracy" comics.
Pete, K5PRT

Rem : Using over and out essentially means go ahead and talk but I'm not going to listen.
You are correct that it is either over or out.
For a different reason you could never use the word repeat.

As that is a signal for the artillery to send another round out to to last point of aim. Not a good thing if our troops are advancing following the lifting of a barage. That was so in the '60s at least.
John E5 Commo Plt N0LT
Rem : This is what the US Army Signal School taught me back in 1982.
When in the middle of transmitting information you are to say 'OVER' when you are passing the frequency to the individual you are conversing with. He/She will do the same. When you are finished with your transmission you are to use 'OUT' to signify you are ending your part of the transmission. When you use the term 'Over and Out' you are telling the other station to go-ahead and to shut up all in one shot.
73 Michael -.- -.-. ..--- . --. .-.. KC2EGL
Rem : Hear hear
Only in hollywood or the folks that were brainwashed by hollywood movies use the terms OVER and OUT in the same sentence.
one or the other NEVER both.
Kelsey KK6AW SM2
Rem : I agree with what is on the thread. We didn't use them together in the
Navy when working with other military services or the allied military
forces. A second point I was taught was the person that started the
communications is the person that ended the exchange with "OUT". When
operating in this manner you never heard "I guess I don't have anything
futher for you" or something like that. You just knew that if you
started it you finished it.
73, Jim W1RO U.S. Navy Retire Chief Radioman

Rem : You my man, are indeed our must follow us so we know where to go.
A good leader follows his students!
thanks, 73, Simpson260 Art N9AS
Rem : Yes Dave, you are correct Skipper. " Over and Out" was a NO NO in the Navy. K or over was an invitation to transmit and AR or out was end of transmission. If you sent an over and out or a K AR you were basically saying " Your turn but Im gone ", when u use OUT or AR you have ceased to transmit. It was the FINAL end of a transmission period.Like the end of a QSO, but in the Navy there were no dit dits...etc....very strict and to the point. Anyway that was the Navy way and I still use AR and OUT sometimes when ending a qso or on air is still in my blood...ACP 124 CW Procedures and ACP 125 Radiotelephone procedures is what we used....there are some quite detailed prosigns and prowords that were used in the navy and other branches. Things called Executive Method and Net procedures and so on. Another thing that an operator cud never do was to give the command or statement "WILCO" meaning I will comply, only the Commanding Officer cud give permission to send or say that on a circuit. In the Navy there was NO SUCH THING AS OVER AND OUT...IT was NEVER used in the Navy or operating with other Armed Forces and if it was it was against Navy Procedures.....My two cents worth. 73 Pete W5PEH 2398T Retired Navy Submarine Radioman Master Chief E-9. RMCM(SS) .


You can download an audio sample of OLIVIA MFSK here:

Rem : See if these sound like it:
73, Joe N2LJD/4



Humour (nothing to do with Radio) Speeding,
A senior citizen drove his brand new Corvette convertible out of the dealership.

Taking off down the road, he floored it to 80 M.P.H.,

enjoying the wind blowing through what little hair he had left.

"Amazing," he thought as he flew down I-95, pushing the pedal even more.

Looking in his rear view mirror, he saw a state trooper behind him,

lights flashing and siren blaring.

He floored it to 100 mph, then 110, then 120.
Suddenly he thought, "What am I doing? I'm too old for this," and pulled over to await the trooper's arrival..

Pulling in behind him, the trooper walked up to the Corvette,

looked at his watch, and said, "Sir, my shift ends in 30 minutes.

Today is Friday. If you can give me a reason for speeding that I've never heard before,

I'll let you go."

The old gentleman paused.

Then said, "Years ago, my wife ran off with a state trooper.

I thought you were bringing her back."

"Have a good day, sir," replied the trooper.



Check this out!
How very cool. I sure would like to have one of those!
More info on Rich's website at:
73, Bill NT9K



Alpha Clock.
It just shows the time and I drag it to the Very Top bar on the Entry



Can't get much cheaper than this, a home made cootie key.



Antenna Launcher

I was a "sling shot" jockey for years. Very easy and accurate to about 80
feet. any fork you wanted. :-)
Now I'm spoiled. I'll never give up my "air launcher".
Randy _ KB4QQJ



Wisdom, Humour?

I have an old article where a mechanical keyer was made similar to a music box.
Is used a large coffee can as the "wheel" and was driven by a small motor.
There was up to 6 or 7 different messages encoded on the can by wrapping

heavy paper strips with holes punched in them for the dots and dashes.
The particular message was selected by a copper slider.
I'll see if I can find it and scan and post it.
73 - Bill KA8VIT

Rem : If you can find an old Instructograph machine you could replace the motor with a crank.

Set it up to key your transmitter...
73, Drew, AF2Z
Rem : I thought another approach might be a weight and pendulum drive, with a
friction brake to regulate speed of the call. They used to rotate lighthouse
beacons that way, not to mention clocks.
Or, imagine a station clock that looks like a grandfather cabinet. The
clock is actually a radio UTC clock. And the cabinet contains a mechanical
keyer. Instead of saying 'cukoo,' it sends CQ.
Imagine that as a sideshow at a QLF contest.
73, Drew, AF2Z



I'll post pictures on my web site.

when I get it cleaned up and ready to use on the air.

I may need to figure out how to slow it down some, though. The keys I've been cleaning up are shown at:

73, Walt, W5ALT

Rem : Walt,
That's great. I use a "Hole in the Wall" 510 daily. It and a 1954 Blue
Racer are my favorites.
If you don't purchase one of the commercial speed
controls, a couple of the big alligator clips from Radio Shack work well to get
it down to about 13 wpm and can be changed quickly. Adding length slows it
down even more, but mine doesn't like the extra weight out that far. Good
luck and that double speed is looking and sounding good. Glad to hear you
on it the other night. :-)
Randy _ KB4QQJ




CU there !! Gonna run my Webcam tonight during the net....should be fun.... there is an 8 to 20 sec is real time....

73, Pete W5PEH



Radioamateurs en C2000.

gr Nico PA4NIC


73, your Editor PA3CLQ



My simple website about Gigantic DF-Antennas

Part 1 "DF-Antenna Wullenweber Array"

Part 2 "DF-Antenna USSR Variants"

Part 3 "DF-Antenna USA Variants"

Next Part 4 "USSR OTHRA DUGA 1,2 & 3" at: